Mi Escuelita Móvil Puerto Rico officially begins
Greetings, everybody. More than happy because from today, I begin another stage in my life, and you will be my best witnesses.
For those who do not know me, I am Ivelisse Mejías Santiago, homeschooler mom, teacher, instructional designer, and eternal student 😊. I have spent the last ten years of my life instructing myself in e-learning and, as a master and doctoral degree project, measure the effectiveness of a learning model born of distance learning, mobile learning, or m-learning.
Homeschooler Mom
I had the opportunity to offer training to my daughter in transitioning to university life using mobile equipment as a means for such activity- a magnificent experience- later, I will be sharing details about this stage in our family life.
Visual Arts Teacher
As a teacher in school and participants of the special education program in Puerto Rico, I had the spectacular opportunity to grow as a human and professional. Later in my blogs, I will share ideas of activities, techniques, and emerging methodologies that I had the opportunity to apply in that experience based on face-to-face learning, flip-classroom, and mobile equipment as an instrument for education.
Instructional Designer
Just as Hurricane Maria visited us on the island and left it destruction, I worked as a content developer for a private company. The following year I practiced as an instructional designer for the Distance Education Unit of the Area of Health Sciences of Ana G. Méndez University in Puerto Rico- a professional growth experience.
Always a Student
I tell you that I am currently also a student of the doctoral program of a university that offers distance training, on my way to specializing as an instructional designer and distance educator. What makes me a permanent student is that I love participating in workshops for professional growth and a taste to learn independently or informally- you know, looking on the web or through books that suggest friends read.
A New Beginning
It is time today to share everything we have learned, so my interest is to communicate in a simple, interactive, and holistic way what I have learned about mobile learning. In addition to being portable, it is versatile and gives you autonomy. I am also interested in proposing how useful this type of learning methodology can be at any age.
I will be posting every Wednesday at 6 PM; follow me on the links. I read them in your regards, thank you and wish you a lovely week.
Looking forward to read your comments, thank you and wish you all a great week!